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Hawley Wharf, London Borough of Camden

Service: Planning & Development | Sector: Mixed Use

The Challenge

We were instructed (by Stanley Sidings at the time) to advise on planning matters associated with bringing forward the strategically important, two-hectare, canal side site in Camden Town, for comprehensive redevelopment.

Key planning matters included the height, bulk and design of the buildings, permeability and open space, listed building and conservation area issues. The land use mix including the reprovided market offer, the extent of retail, employment, and education use, as well as the provision of residential floorspace and affordable housing also required careful consideration.


The Solution

With leading architects, MAKE, we led negotiations with the London Borough of Camden, the Greater London Authority, TfL and Historic England, as well as a comprehensive communications exercise with Camden politicians, key stakeholders, and the local community.

The design builds on the existing railway and warehouse character of the site, bringing a range of residential uses, retail, replacement market stalls, food and beverage, co-working and entertainment spaces.

We also subsequently secured planning permission for the redevelopment of the adjoining site on Kentish Town Road for 24 new homes and commercial space.

As part of the planning process, our development team provided affordable housing advice on the requirements of the individual sites within the masterplan, negotiating with the Councilā€™s Housing Department to agree the overall offer including the location and type of products to be provided. We also provided strategic affordable housing advice to Lab Tech to help inform its governance structures, future development and long-term programme of development and investment across the Camden area.


The Results

The scheme is now largely complete, and parts of the development are gradually being occupied. This includes the new state-of-the art Hawley Primary School, which forms part of the wider masterplan proposals in collaboration with Camden Council.

We continue to be involved in the optimisation of the development to meet current marketĀ  requirements and to ensure its successful occupation in the future.

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