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Magor Consultation

Budweiser Brewing Company – Perfect Draught Building – Pre-Application Public Consultation

Thank you for visiting this consultation site relating to Budweiser Brewing Company’s forthcoming development proposals for a new building within its existing brewery in Magor, Monmouthshire. This consultation will take place from Monday 13 September 2021 and will conclude after a period of 28 days on 12 October 2021, in accordance with Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 as amended by The Planning Applications (Temporary Modifications and Disapplication) (Wales) (Coronavirus) Order 2020. Due to the emergency regulations in place resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, this consultation is being held online. If you require hard copies of any plans or documents or wish to make any comments or ask questions regarding the proposals, please contact [email protected]. Once the consultation period has closed, a planning application will be submitted to Monmouthshire County Council during which you may submit comments to the Planning Department for considering in reaching a planning decision.



Plans and drawings prepared by IPS Group

Transport Assessment Appendices