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Havering College

Service: Valuations | Sector: Education | Contact: William Ray

When Havering College, a distinguished institution of further and higher education, merged with Havering Sixth Form and New City College, it faced a unique set of challenges. One such challenge was the imperative need for an updated valuation, aligned with the rigorous standards of FRS 102. In response to this pressing demand, our team at [Your Company Name] was appointed to navigate this complex valuation landscape.

The Challenge

The merger brought forth a critical challenge for Havering College: reconciling the valuations of the merged entities’ assets in compliance with FRS 102. It was imperative to ensure that the financial records accurately reflected the institution’s new financial landscape. Our task was to provide a comprehensive valuation solution that addressed this challenge head-on.

College Description

Havering College, steeped in tradition and dedicated to academic excellence, stands at the forefront of further and higher education. With a diverse range of programs and courses, Havering College caters not only to full-time students but also recognises the importance of flexible, part-time learning opportunities. Its mission is to empower students through knowledge and skills acquisition, fostering a brighter future.

The Solution

To tackle the challenge at hand, our expert team engaged in in-depth discussions and evaluations. During this process, we identified surplus land holdings at two of the college’s campuses. This discovery was pivotal as it presented opportunities for the institution to maximise value. Drawing upon the proficiency of our education team and our extensive experience in handling surplus assets, we proceeded to provide invaluable advice.

Valuation Insights

Our approach to valuation was comprehensive and meticulous. We employed two distinct yet complementary methods: the depreciated replacement cost and the comparable method of valuation. These techniques allowed us to report fair values accurately, meeting the stringent requirements of FRS 102.

The Result

The outcome of our collaboration with Havering College yielded two significant results. First, Havering College successfully integrated the updated book values into its financial accounts, ensuring full compliance with FRS 102. Second, and equally noteworthy, the institution gained a profound understanding of the value of its assets and the strategic considerations involved in unlocking the potential value from the newly merged colleges.

Key Insights and Recommendations

In addition to addressing the core challenge, our partnership with Havering College uncovered crucial insights and recommendations:

Stay Engaged: We advised the college to actively participate in the compulsory purchase process, ensuring a voice in matters beyond financial settlements.

Maintain Records: Keeping a well-organised audit trail, including decision-making records and cost invoices, expedites the claims process.

Competitive Quotes: Obtaining competitive quotes for relocation expenditures is crucial and demonstrates a commitment to cost efficiency.

Quality vs. Cost: Careful consideration of expenditures ensures value for money, as improvements over existing property may not be compensable.

Specialist Adaptations: Expenses related to specialist adaptations for relocation are recoverable and enhance usability.

Losses in the ‘Shadow’: Recognise that losses incurred due to the threat or prospect of compulsory purchase may be claimable once statutory notices are served.

Advance Payments: Utilise a written request for an advance payment to secure funds on account efficiently.

In conclusion, Havering College’s journey reflects its unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional education while making sound financial choices that shape its future.

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Key Contact

William Ray
